The death of a beloved pet is a sad occasion. Today is Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day and today we remember the pets that are no longer with us. While the pain of losing a pet heals a bit over time, they are never forgotten, and today is their day. A wonderful way to remember a lost pet is to honor them through art. Whether one of Todd’s traditional portraits or his special rainbow bridge memorial, a custom pet portrait is the perfect way to keep your beloved pets with you always.
The day you send a beloved pet to the rainbow bridge is always one of the hardest and saddest days. Did you know that our very own Jimmy Belcher is an Ambassador for the Rainbow Bridge Newcomers club? He takes his role welcoming and getting newcomers settled very seriously. He’s also happy to look-up any rainbow pets and send you a pupdate on how they’re doing. Each letter is personalized with custom illustrations of your pet and all the fun things they’re doing at the bridge. You can also have a special rainbow portrait painted by Todd. The letters and portraits bring so much comfort to those missing their fur babies over the bridge. For more information, please be sure to follow Jimmy Belcher on FB and