Remember Lucky the Dog?
7:48 pm | September 1, 2017

Author: Stephanie | Category: Uncategorized | Comments: None

The wonderful portrait Todd did of Lucky The Dog, this portrait was done from a photo that was taken of Lucky when he was first found. One of Lucky’s rescuer’s Susan Mcclung entered Lucky in our contest and her response when she saw it the first time warmed out hearts.

“In tears, look at the pathos in that face. It’s more than a portrait. It’s a story. Thank you so much.

The back story, this is the picture sent to me Dec 6th last year right after thanksgiving at 11 pm in the evening, where he only weighed 32 pounds but up from the 21.2 lbs. and Dr Hedrick texted this and said “He is going to make it”…

Best text of my life, best texted image, and now this picture immortalizes “he is going to live” Please let everyone know … because there are obviously other pictures where he looked better later, but this was a moment that needed an artist. And live he did.”

If anyone would like to know about Lucky and all the amazing people who helped save his life, Susan was kind enough to share the full story with us. It’s not an easy read, but it’s important that people know and understand that this happens everywhere and that we are their voice! If you see an animal suffering, please speak and get help. We promise this story has the happiest of endings!

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